All accredited conformity assessment bodies are obliged to have a documented procedure for complaints and appeals.

Any customer who wishes to lodge a complaint or appeal may download a copy of this procedure so as (a) to ensure fair and consistent consideration of the customer’s grievance and (b) to inform the customer of the higher authority to which the case maybe appealed.


Complaints will be dealt with in a similar fashion to Appeals, however, the process is slightly different.

Code A Weld Holdings Ltd certification body is committed to a fair complaints process for all interested parties, the complainant shall submit the complaint to Code A Weld Holdings Ltd Certification body in writing.

Code A Weld Holdings Ltd will verify the Complainant details, Name, date, contact information etc. and record it on GD 22 prior to commencing the complaints process.

Code A Weld Holdings Ltd shall acknowledge the receipt of the complaint via written and verbal communication and shall keep the complainant informed on the progress throughout investigation.

The candidate shall clearly set forth the reasons for the complaint and provide supporting documentation where possible to support their complaint.

Upon receipt of a complaint, Code A Weld Holdings Ltd certification body will gather all evidence relating to the case and decide how to respond to the client and, when applicable, what needs to be done to correct the problem for the client. This is recorded on the client GD22 form and NCR Register, and the client is informed of this decision.

Any substantiated complaint about a certified person shall also be referred by the certification body to the certified person in question at an appropriate time and vice versa.

Appeals against decisions on certification:

Code A Weld Holdings Ltd certification body is committed to a fair appeal process for all applicants, candidates, and certified persons with any adverse outcome on the certification decision. The candidate shall submit the appeal to Code A Weld Holdings Ltd Certification body, in writing no later than 1 working week of receiving the outcome on their certification result. The date on the issued paperwork / email containing the result shall be the date from which the 1 working week period commences.

Code A Weld Holdings Ltd will verify the candidate details, Name, date, employer, scheme, examination reference number, results, and certificate if any issued (only if passed examination) prior to commencing the appeals process.

Code A Weld Holdings Ltd shall acknowledge the receipt of the appeal via written and verbal communication and shall keep the candidate informed on the progress throughout the appeal.

The candidate shall clearly set forth the reasons they believe the decision was improperly decided. Including documentation to support such claim.

Upon receipt of an appeal, Code A Weld Holdings Ltd certification body will gather all evidence relating to the case and make a decision, previous similar judgment will be taken into account during the appeals decision.

The appeals process will be documented with the use of GD22 NCR Record Form. Any supporting documentation will accompany GD22 NCR Record Form.

The GD 22 NCR Record Form will outline the findings and the corrective action required if any.

Any Member of the certification body involved in the initial certification shall not take part in the appeals decision.Code A Weld Holdings Ltd certification body members are experienced and fully understand the certification scheme, the quality manual used, all procedures and documentation contained within.

We aim to deal with all appeals within 30 days of written receipt depending on the volume of appeals.

Code A Weld Holdings Ltd will give the candidate formal notice in writing of the outcome from the appeals process.

All appeals decisions will be conducted fairly, equally and in an unbiased manor regardless of the applicant.

Investigation and decision on appeals will not result in any discriminatory actions, except where criminal fraud or negligence is involved.

Download the attached complaints procedure