Hello readers and welcome back to my blog and the first of 2018! I hope you all had a brilliant Christmas and New Year and are gently easing yourselves back to work; I know I am!
If you are anything like me, over the last week or so you have most likely gone through the following stages:
1. The excitement of Christmas Day arriving, and the onset of opening presents followed by Christmas lunch with all the trimmings.
2. The days in-between Christmas and New Year pass in a confused daze by having absolutely no idea which day of the week it is!
3. It’s now January and the mass consumption of chocolate/mince pies/infact any type of junk food, suddenly dawns on you. But hey, it’s winter and we need those extra layers.
So I don’t know about you but I actually think stage 2 is my favourite, where I have no idea when it is as I sit tucking into my selection box – yes, I’m still a child. Being my first day back in the office, everyone at Code A Weld should be very impressed that I actually made it into work today and manage to successfully publish a blog post.
Anyway I digress, the real reason for this blog and perhaps I’m just finding it a little difficult letting go of Christmas, is to fill you all in on the goings on at the Code A Weld Christmas Party 2017.
This year, it was held at Jamie’s Italian where we were treated to a three course Christmas meal with drinks flowing. Organised by the Assistant Office Manager, Kerry Bull, she had the job of finding a venue to cater to our party size which is also in a good location to go for some post-meal drinks. Sitting next to Kerry in the office, I know she had various spreadsheets going with information including everyone’s menu choices and who would be getting on the minibus (not a hard task at all!).
Arriving at Jamie’s we had a nice corner of the restaurant to ourselves. The food was good with a well-received platter of meats and cheeses to start followed by steak; which seemed to be the most popular choice. The deserts didn’t go down too well but by this point we were all happy to just have a drink in our hand! We then sat quietly (the only time this happened, may I add) for Neil Hitchen’s annual speech. Every year Neil delivers a greatly funny speech with a round-up of the year at Code A Weld and I’m pleased to say he didn’t disappoint! We then moved on to a nearby bar for some cocktails and a little boogie and it was just so nice to get all dressed up and socialise with our colleagues in a completely different setting.
Once the clock struck midnight, it was time to hop on the mini bus to take us home; not before an extremely important speech by the driver on the importance of staying in our seats for the entire journey(!!). In all honesty this was met by copious amounts of giggling but hey, full marks for trying!
So there you have it, a little behind the scenes info into our Christmas party! Please comment below with any funny stories from your work Christmas party, we would love to read them!

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